Board of Trustees

President: Dawn P.

Vice President: Sarah K.

Secretary: Dawn P.

Treasurer: Open

Trustee: Teresa F.

Trustee: Abbie S.

Trustee: Katie F.

Trustee: Doddie J.

Trustee: Amy H.

Board Meetings: Board Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30p.m.

Greig Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Agenda

September 17 , 2024

6:30 PM Board Meeting

Call to order - Dawn Pelton

Roll Call

Consent Agenda - Dawn Pelton

1) Approval of the agenda

2) Approval of August regular minutes

3) Approval of Cash balances, income statements, and bills

Public Comment

Director’s report - Autumn Hughes

Friends of the Library - Crystle Adams

Committee Reports: - Come up with 2 or 3 goals by December.

1) Facilities - Abbie and Doddie

2) Finances - Dawn Pelton

3) Programming - Sarah and Amy

4) Books/Library content - Teresa

5) Branding - Dawn Peters & Katie

Business - Action Items to be Considered or Voted Upon

1) New board member

Miscellaneous Business - Non actionable items

1) Homecoming parade

2) New board member

3) Vision & mission statement - The first is a statement of vision. It provides

a destination for the organization. Next is a statement of mission. This is a

guiding light of how to get to the destination.

4) Discuss branding

Closed session if needed:

Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)1: the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,

performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body

Adjournment - Next meeting - October 15, 2024 - 6:30 PM

2025 - Frey and Peters

2026 - Johnson, Pelton, Hatch

2027 - Koss, Fell, (Open) and Seaney

Greig Memorial Library 

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2024

6:30 PM Board Meeting

Call to Order: 

The Greig Memorial Library Trustees met at their regular meeting in the Library Museum. The meeting was called to order by Dawn Pelton, President, at 6:30 p.m. 

Roll Call: 

The following trustees were present: Teresa Fell, Katie Frey, Doddie Johnson, Dawn Pelton, Dawn Peters, Abbie Seaney, Sarah Koss

The following trustees were absent: Amy Hatch

Others In Attendance: Friends of the Library, Crystle Adams

Consent Agenda:

     Katie Frey made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Teresa Fell seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Public Comment: none

Director’s Report–Autumn Hughes was absent, but her report showed the number of books checked out, library book patrons, computer, and visitors to the library during the month of August, as well as revenue that was generated, and new library cards and renewals for local and out of town patrons.

Friends of the Library–Crystle Adams

     The theme for Halloween is The Wizard of Oz; 125 books and treats will be handed out to children on Sunday, October 27, between 3-5 p.m. when the City of Oneida has their Trunk-Or-Treat event. Friends is asking for donations from Board of Trustees members by October 18th (125 pieces of candy per board member). The library event will be advertised through flyers sent home with students, flyers at the library and post office, and on the GML Facebook page. Friends will have decorations outside the library during the event.

     The Pilcrow Grant Wrap Up will be mailed this week. Thank you to Autumn and Payton for the lovely display of the new books.

     An annual Friends summary letter will be sent out in October in conjunction with National Friends of the Library Week (week of Oct. 20th).

     Friends will be selecting a Christmas theme for the event to be held on December 4th.


 Committee Reports (need 2 or 3 goals by December)

Business-Action Items to be Considered or Voted Upon

Miscellaneous Business-Non actionable items

Closed Session: 

*The board went into closed session at 7:35 p.m.

Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)1: the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body

*The board returned to open session at 7:51 p.m.

Adjournment–Next meeting–October 15, 2024–6:30 p.m.

Abbie Seaney made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Katie Frey seconded the motion.